Thread: - Black 8/0
Hook: - Dry 2X, size 12-18
Tail: - Ginger Hackle fibers
Body: - Blue Dun Hackle wrapped over Tan Dubbing
Wing: - Wood Duck
Clip body hackle short
Thread: - Black 8/0
Hook: - Dry 2X, size 12-18
Tail: - Ginger Hackle fibers
Body: - Blue Dun Hackle wrapped over Tan Dubbing
Wing: - Wood Duck
Clip body hackle short
Thread: - Olive 8/0
Hook: - wet, size 14-18
Tail: - Medium Blue Dun Hackle Barbs
Body: - Olive, or your choice of many shades of Olive
Wing: - Mallard Wing Quill Natural
Beard: - Medium Blue Dun Hackle
Thread – Black 6/0
Hook – 2X-4X, size 8-12
Tail - Red Barbs Hackle
Body – Orange Floss
Rib – Flat silver Mylar
Wing – Peacock over Grey Mallard Flank over Polar Bear or White Antron
I came across this pattern in the 2009 summer issue of Fly Life magazine which is a fly fishing magazine hailing from Tasmania. The magazine covers fresh and salt water fly fishing in New Zealand and Australia. This simple pattern looks nothing like an emerging caddis pupa to my eye, but the fish have a different view of things. This pattern is designed to fish just under the film. To fish this pattern correctly you apply a little floatant to the tips of the hackle only, being careful not to get any on the dubbed body or the pattern will float to high. I will admit that it can be a difficult pattern to track in broken water but it is a very effective pattern. I have only been fishing it for a season but it has worked very well. I have kept it close to the vest but its time to let the cat out of the bag. Tie up a few and give them a try.
Hook: TMC 103 #10-16
Thread: Uni 8/0 color to match dubbing
Abdomen: Fly Rite dubbing to match natural
Thorax: Fly Rite dubbing to match natural
Hackle: 5-6 turns of grizzly dry fly hackle
After finishing the fly the hackle is trimmed to a broad v shape by removing all fibers from the bottom of the fly and some fibers from the very top of the fly.
Effective color combinations for me have been green abdomen/brown or grey thorax, yellow abdomen/grey thorax, chartreuse abdomen/rust thorax, olive abdomen/dark grey thorax and solid brown, grey, olive or chartreuse.
A friend of mine recently introduced me to a old local pattern, the Ken Lockwood Streamer. Ken Lockwood, was a outdoor enthusiast, conservationist, and journalist. Ken Lockwood's column in the Newark News was entitled "Out In The Open". This daily column was featured in the Newark News for 35 years. "Out in the Open" was one of the earliest known outdoor columns. Thus it is befitting that one of the most beautiful wildlife management areas in New Jersey bears Ken Lockwood's name. This 260 acre tract of woodlands includes a two and one-half mile portion of the South Branch of the Raritan River. This property has been part of the state's Green Acres program since his death in 1948.
I consider the South Branch of the Raritan River, particular the waters in the Ken Lockwood Gorge, my home river. So I was particularly interested in this pattern that bears the name of the man that made this fishery possible. I tied up a dozen earlier in the week and had a chance to get them wet. It turns out to be a great little streamer pattern. It was neat to catch fish on a little known pattern from the 1930's on the very waters where it originated.
Hook: 4x long streamer hook of choice
Thread: 6/0 Black
Body: Red floss
Ribbing: Gold tinsel
Wing: Black bucktail
Throat: White bucktail or hackle
Cheek: (optional): Jungle cock
This is a Maine pattern. Try this one in Vermont or in New Jersey's Lake Aeroflex.
Hook - 6X Long 8-4
Thread - Black 6/0
Tag - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Black Floss
Rib - Flat silver tinsel
Throat - White Calftail and red hackle fibers
Wing - Red Krystal Flash and red & black hackles
Try this in Round Valley or The Big Delaware.
Hook - 6X Long 10-4
Thread - Black 6/0
Body - Flat Mylar Pearl
Throat - White Buck Tail
Wing - Purple Buck Tail - Grey Marabou
Shoulders - Mallard Flank
Topping - Two small strips black Ostrich herl
Eyes - Jungle cock
Hook: Nymph size 8-12
Thread: Tan 8/0 Uni
Weight: Lead Wire
Case: Dark Mottled Chenille
Larva: Yellow Chenille
Rib: Copper wire
Legs: Black rubber fine
Head: Black Ostrich herl
The Invicta was created by James Ogden of Derbyshire in 1879 as an imitation of a dark caddis or sedge. Fish it as a wet fly or emerging caddis.
Hook: Wet 14-16
Thread: Claret 8/0
Tail: Golden Pheasant Crest
Body: Yellow Dubbing
Wing: Hen Ring-Neck Pheasant tail fibers
Rib: Fine oval gold tinsel
Body Hackle: Brown softhackle
Throat: Guinea Fowl - Blue
This was a new streamer for me this past fall. It proved to be a very effective pattern for brown trout in the later part of the season.
Hook: 4x long down eye streamer hook. (I used a Mustad 79580)
Tail: Olive marabou
Body: Peacock crystal flash wrapped around the hook shank
Wing: Olive/brown saddle feathers and six strands of peacock crystal flash
Overwing: Chartreuse grizzly saddle hackle
Collar: Red saddle hackle
Eyes: Bead chain