State Lands Restoration Project Update - Musconetcong River
September 2018
The State Lands Restoration Project got underway on June 15th. At the 11th hour before the start of work, NJ DEP left TroutScapes a message at four PM Friday afternoon rescinding the permit they had already approved due to new issues (additional owner’s permissions, and soil conservation permitting) raised by a third party. Cole Baldino, our TU regional coordinator was able to fix the soil conservation issues and get the permission from one of the two land owners on the Warren side. However, a second land owner was unresponsive to all parties, including NJ DEP.
On Monday morning June 18th we were still in limbo on several issues. We decided we would string the turbidity barrier while others worked to knock down the remaining issues. The hearty volunteers, all the conservation committee members were front and center, Mike Underwood, Ed Kordyla, Rich Post, Fred Simonson, Marsha Bencivenga, as well as Lou DiGena, Cole Baldino and Jonathan Eng (from the Hacklebarney Chapter, despite the stifling temperatures and oppressive humidity went to work on positioning the turbidity barrier.
Tuesday morning things got significantly better and we began instream work and boulder moving to get the three truckloads of boulders in their approximate positions. We made a few on the fly design changes and the Cat went to work in a serious way. Attached are several photo’s that document the week’s progress. Bottom line, our project that started with some difficulty turned into a huge success and we were able to create over 800 yds of prime habitat, that not only looks beautiful, will fish well, and provide excellent holding water. A big thanks go out to all who turned out both physically and financially to assist in creating a tremendous trout habitat open to all.

NJ Chapter funding came from the following chapters, Fred Burroughs, East Jersey, Ken Lockwood, Hacklebarney, Ridge & Valley, Jersey Shore, Schwiebert, and Central Jersey. Additional project funding was forthcoming from Theodore Gordon Fly Fishers, and a significant Embrace A Stream Grant from TU National, as well as a grant from the William Penn Foundation.

We still have some work to do this fall in terms of planting and clearing points of access and of course we will be looking for volunteers to finish up the project once the fall weather arrives!