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September 2018 |
General MeetingSeptember 11, 2018Jeff SkeldingKeeping the Upper Delaware River Cold, Wet and Wild![]() Jeff’s presentation will focus on the protection and restoration of the unique cold water ecosystem of the Upper Delaware River and it’s nationally recognized wild trout fishery. The primary focus will be the complex political drivers that determine the health of the ecosystem including the management of the NYC Delaware basin reservoirs that play an enormous role in the health of this magnificent tailwater fishery. Jeff Skelding is the Executive Director of Friends of the Upper Delaware River (FUDR), a community based watershed protection organization located in Hancock, NY. FUDR works to protect the Upper Delaware River for the benefit of people, communities, and wildlife. Prior to this position, Mr. Skelding was the National Campaign Director for the National Wildlife Federation's "Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition" in Washington, DC. Mr. Skelding's professional career includes 25 years of conservation non-profit management, grassroots organizing, policy work, coalition building, and lobbying. October 9, 2018Ozzie OzefovichThe Underwater World of Trout
President’s Letter
I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer. For those of you that have children, by the time you read this, the kids will be back in school, and things will slowly return to normal. Although we had our share of hot weather, we also had our share of rain, which means it has been a good summer for New Jersey trout. Our rivers are in great shape, with high water levels going into autumn. As the weather cools, you should find that plenty of trout survived the summer heat. During a recent outing, I observed water temps that remained in the sixties all day long on the South Branch in the area of Ken Lockwood Gorge. That is an excellent sign for this time of year; we should enjoy some stellar fall fishing! CJTU’s Banquet is right around the corner. Our dinner committee has been working hard to put together a great evening out for CJTU members and their families and friends. Do you have a friend that you have trying to convince to join the chapter? Why not invite them to our banquet. It will be an evening of good food, good company and the opportunity to go home with some great prizes. The dinner will take place at The Grillestone Restaurant in Scotch Plains on Saturday, October 20th. Tickets will be available for purchase at our September general meeting. We will also be sending out an invitation via email in the days to come. Space is limited so be sure to reserve your spot ASAP, so you don’t miss out on this great event. Our speaker this month will be Jeff Skelding. His presentation entitled Keeping the Delaware River Cold, Wet and Wild will focus on the protection and restoration of this incredible wild trout fishery. As usual, we will meet at 7:30 pm for some refreshments (pizza and soft drinks), and the business portion of the meeting will start at 8:00 pm. Our Anderson Brook restoration is underway. The stream was electroshocked over the summer and the stretch of river surveyed produced acceptable numbers of wild trout. The next step in the process is a stream clean-up. We will be scheduling the clean up once the foliage dies down along the stream. That means we are looking at the November/December timeframe. We will be looking for volunteers once we lock down a date. If you are interested in helping out drop me a line at president@cjtu.org and I’ll add you to the contact list for this important project. Our Musconetcong River restoration project at the A-Frame track was completed this past June. Unfortunately, several hundred feet of the project was not completed due to an issue with one of the landowners. However, the majority of the property involved was worked on, and the habitat on that stretch of river was significantly improved. I look forward to fishing it this fall to experience the change first hand! To wrap things up, I want to mention we will be demonstrating fly tying at the Freehold LL Bean several times this fall as well as assisting them with a fly casting class. Our next fly tying demo is scheduled for Saturday, September 15 from 11 to 3. Please stop by and say hello. That is about it for this month. Check out the rest of the newsletter for additional details on the items I discussed as well as the Fly of the Month and other things going on with the chapter. I hope to see everyone at our next meeting.
Tight Lines |
News & Events![]() https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7355313 Shopping at Amazon?
Fly of the Month“Lou's Stonefly Creeper”Tied by Lou Digena![]() This stonefly pattern is my modern version of Jenning's Stonefly Creeper. It is a deadly and straightforward pattern for trout and salmon. Stoneflies are in the river year-round with several year classes, and this is my go-to pattern anchor when Euro-nymphing or exploring new water.
Lou DiGena Click here for the recipe! |
Central Jersey Trout Unlimited’s Supporters |