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August 2009

News & Events

General Meeting - Tuesday, September 8, 2009

There are no General Meetings during the months of July and August

Our September meeting will feature Rod Rohrbach. Rod is the owner of the Little Lehigh Fly Shop in Allentown, PA, and will be making a presentation called "Fishing the Cushion".

Trout do most of their feeding on the bottom (the cushion); prudent anglers obtain the knowledge necessary to penetrate the diverse currents below the surface to reach the bottom.

Rod will present an understandable explanation of the streams food organisms, and he will discuss how their life cycles affect the angler's choice of patterns and tackle for bottom fishing.

He will also cover opportunistic and selective feeding and how these phenomenon's apply to the bottom fisherman and fly selection.

Rod Rohrbach demonstrating his nymphing technique on his home river, the Little Lehigh

The 2009 Trip Schedule is available here

We received this e-mail and photos of Dave Hart from New Zealand guide Greg Dougherty, who is the guide on the trip Dave writes about in his May 2008 Mainstream article:

Hi New Jersey TU,

I was pleasantly surprised to read an article from Dave Hart about in your publication. I am the fortunate guide to have taken Dave for 4 days fishing around the Wanak area of the South Island of NZ.

Dave caught some nice fish over the 4 days and made me think that hopefully I can do the same when ( if !!) I get to his age.

For Sale

Boston Whaler

17 ft. 1986 Boston Whaler with 75 HP Mercury engine and 1998 trailer
Excellent condition
Catches fish
Asking $9900
Contact Dick Turse
Contact Dick Turse

Fly of the Month

Chocolate Dun This months pattern is the Chocolate Dun, provided by Ron Ruskai. It is an old fly that had ben sold at the Angler's Roost in NYC.

Click here for thr recipe !

Pequest Programs 2009

We have been informed that Pequest will once again be shutting its doors on weekends with the upcoming voluntary furlough days that Governor Corzine is imposing. Sorry for any inconvenience but all weekend programs are being cancelled.

Fly Casting Clinic for Beginners - Cancelled

Saturday, July 11th 11am - 3pm
Saturday, August 1st 11am - 3pm

CJTU Kids Fishing Education Day - Cancelled

Saturday, September 19th 10am - 3pm